11 thoughts on “Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga

  1. Dense and chock full of info, yet simple to grasp. I love it as much as the lineage chart. Thanks for sharing!

  2. LOVE it ๐Ÿ™‚ Found your blog from another blog – will be posting to my blog (will link back to you of course!)

    Adding you to my weekly reads links!

  3. This is so supremely awesome! I am officially in love with you and your blog. Thank you for such generous contributions to the community.

  4. love love love this!!

    I’m currently going to school for my yoga teacher training certification…would you mind if I copied it and gave it to my classmates?

      1. thanks so much!! today is day 3 of training…and I LOVE it so far! my class will appreciate it so much!

        {love your blog, by the way…it’s new to me!}

Tell Ali all about it!